Monday, February 24, 2014

Road to Recovery--documentary

Road to Recovery as a CUA athlete offseason 
Calf stretch on the indoor track
Leg press
RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
Push-up #15
Getting stretched out by Jaime

Balance and throw therapy
Getting back into it!

back on the field ready to go!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

10 Rules of Composition

Rule #1-Impact

Rule #2-cropping
Rule #4- K.I.S.S.
Rule #8-Use of Framing
Rule 10- Room for Logical Movement
Rule #6- Leading Lines
Rule #7- balance

Rule #5- Rule Of Thirds
Rule #3- biggest, boldest, brightest, and most favorably places
Rule #9- Avoid Mergers

Where I Was When--February 12

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Where I was when-February 5

The Headless Portrait

A security officer outside of the basilica let me take this picture of him
I figured that praying was a perfect time to catch a portrait of a person and say something about them without their face being exposed. I couldn't decide if I like the edited version of this photo better than the original so I put both up

This is an old picture that was taken on y phone a while ago of my friend and I on her boat. I used the snapseed Drama effect on it